Faryal Azhar Zoay


Faryal Azhar is an emerging artist using well-defined strokes and bold colors to create images depicting her emotional journey through life- from an abandoned child to a mother recreating and nurturing her own family.

Faryal began to paint when she was a toddler encouraged by her father, Ahmed Zoay (1947-2014), to play with color tubes and canvases; and, even though she did not get to spend much time with him, her relationship with her artistic expression continued to grow. Faryal kept working as a self-taught artist for many years before joining Hunerkada art school in Lahore that allowed her to build upon her artistic skills and to experiment with additional mediums.

It is interesting to note that the two daughters of Ahmad Zoay are both painters, and they both follow the legacy of their father in their own individual ways. Faryal expresses herself in Zoay’s decorative tones without the infused venom of his perceptions; Mahrukh infuses his venom with some of her own and splashes it on her canvas. This is the beginning; in a few years, i’ll be curious to see where in the world of their art these two young artists have arrived.

Faryal’s paintings and drawings have been displayed at multiple young artist exhibitions in Lahore. She also exhibits some of her work at her Facebook page and at the local galleries.

Faryal is preparing for a solo exhibition in Pakistan and abroad.

Following is the list of her paintings at Uddari Art.
Canvas 1
Canvas 2
Canvas 3
Canvas 4
Canvas 5
Canvas 6
Canvas 7
Canvas 8
Canvas 9

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